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Choose from 3 different antique; "Block & Tackle", pulleys, or an I Beam trolley (YALE). I don't know the year made. 1,2,4 are left.

1. Antique, Yale I-Beam Trolley, some call it a "skate". You can barely make the name out on the original tag. It would need to be cleaned up and refurbished to be able to read it better. It is heavy for shipping=$110
2. Antique, single pulley, with black metal. It will clean up very well to use in an industrial decorated room, or to use=$60
3. SOLD!
4. Antique, Double, wooden outside, block and tackle, showing its age and patina=$40


Choose from 3 different antique; "Block & Tackle", pulleys, or an I Beam trolley


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